Monday, March 22, 2010

Friends thankful loud talker got meal

While dining in a busy restaurant, two friends breathed a sigh of relief as a loud talker paused to read the menu. When another person joined the group at the loud talker's table, thought bubble appeared briefly that read "Cringe!" when he found the loud talker was among his friends. Other thought bubbles that appeared at the table when loud talker got meal were "Finally!!", "He's alright when he's not talking", and "Does anyone here actually KNOW this guy?"

Busy team interrupted by meeting to discuss how busy team is

A meeting was brought on by group supervisor to discuss how insanely busy the department is; adversely creating more of a push to meet pressing deadlines.

Time switch over affects more than just people

People weren’t the only ones feeling the effects of the time switch over for Daylight Savings Time. On the Monday following the time change, worker finds lunch room television not itself by only displaying stripes instead of the standard repetitive news stream.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Local woman discovers true meaning of high intensity hair colour

Local woman discovers true meaning of high intensity hair colour; you know it’s working when you feel it burning. Now she understand that it’s not so much called "high intensity" for the short colour time, actual colour, or shine, but more about the "on fire feeling" that makes it an intense experience.

Public transit rider makes dash for magazine stand

Public transit rider has moment of anguish as she realized she forgot two key things to take along during a transit ride – reading material and headphones. At the first sign of a magazine stand, public transit rider made mad dash to it so she could at least buy something to avoid eye contact from the other public transit riders trying to avoid eye contact ... and those aching for eye contact.

Flawed floormats irritates driver

After discovering the floor mat purchased for the driver’s side of her car was flawed, driver wonders: why would the manufacturer approve of a floor mat where the nibs to keep it in place are where the mat gets trimmed off? Do the designers actually drive or take transit to work? Who approves these things?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New type of single man dating show in works

Show representing single man looking for a woman to be his bride find themselves running out of hot boring single men try out-of-shape, hairy, sweaty man to represent the higher percentage of single American men desperate to date 20 women in one go. Oddly enough, out-of-shape, hairy, sweaty bachelor found to have more personality than previous hot boring bachelor. Despite personality improvement, problem discovered with the new bachelor is finding a woman not turned off by his two-fingered sweaty belly wipe.

Distraction catches on among work colleagues

A lack of attention and distraction catches on from one co-worker to others and back to the original work colleague, whose sudden ability to focus becomes distracted ... again.

Lack of pressure boosts mundane decisions to higher status

When not feeling pressure to get any projects done, other ridiculous decisions such as choosing between free water, a cheap vending machine beverage, or a more expensive vitamin-enhanced beverage from the store become more difficult suddenly.