Monday, June 21, 2010

'Jesus' bumper sticker makes driver say 'Jesus'

While driving behind a van that kept putting on the breaks on the highway, driver behind calls 'Jesus' out loud, but not for the religious reasons intended by the driver ahead.

Coffee taster dislikes choices

During coffee taste test, one taster didn’t like any of the choices for the office coffee blend. Then it occurred to her: she just didn’t like the taste of coffee.

Local woman nears tantrum status in kids' department

Local woman almost had a temper tantrum and swore under her breath in the kids’ section of IKEA after an employee told her that’s where she could find popsicle trays, but they were nowhere to be found. Part of the tantrum was due to the fact she had to make her way all through the store again to get to the check outs where another employee had told her that’s where the popsicle trays were, but they weren’t there either. People, if you have popsicle trays to sell, just put them in the frickin area with all the other kitchen stuff because THAT's where you make and keep frickin popsicles.