Friday, January 21, 2011

Woman walks extra speedy to avoid sharing elevator with annoying driver

After waiting what seemed like forever to park at work parking lot because someone in front of her didn’t know how to park, woman rolled eyes at annoying driver and walked quickly ahead to avoid having to share elevator with said annoying driver.

Local woman considers new purpose for old wedding dress

Local woman who has wedding dress from previous marriage considers wearing it to work on casual Friday to offset those who insist on wearing their lounge clothes and gardening crocs. She also considered friend's suggestion to wearing it while housecleaning to elevate some style to lovely housecleaning rubber gloves.

Movie watcher finds way to get person to turn off cell phone during movie

Movie viewer found that using sultry voice to whisper into man’s ear ahead of her to “please turn off your phone, because it’s really annoying” very effective. Man stopped using cell phone without an argument, so that annoying light would not illuminate and distract others from enjoying the movie.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Woman prevents server from overloading her with fries

While getting a side of fries to go with her lunch, woman had to stop server from overloading the container. What customer really didn't tell the server was at the customer's age, things don't just stay nicely in place like "blunk"; they do more of a bah.... wait for it ... lunk. Even then, sometimes it just goes bah. (No "lunk" if you were waiting for it. Just bah.)

Ugly shirt ruins detergent ad

While watching an ad on TV for laundry detergent, viewers in room agreed the stain wasn’t the problem with the shirt, the problem was that the shirt was just too damn ugly to bother getting the greasy stain out.

Local woman tempted to give skirt "time out" at work

After the holidays, local woman tempted to put skirt in a time out while at work due to it's sudden snugness and continue on working in tights, boots, and top. Woman then reconsidered, fearing that idea might catch on, shuddered, and thought of other distracting things to get through day instead.