Monday, May 2, 2011

Local woman feels need to nap after taking in fumes from wino

After standing in line behind person reeking of alcohol, woman feels need to have a nap. Woman wonders if she and wino lady who stood in front of her had nap at the same time afterwards in different places. Meanwhile, in another part of the city, woman sitting on balcony wonders if boy shouting out for “Markus” finally found him. Perhaps Markus was taking a wine induced nap as well.

Pastry crumb nearly takes out worker

After eating a few bites of an imported pastry treat, crumb gets lodged in worker’s throat and nearly takes her out. Just when worker thought she got control of crumb, crumb decides it wasn’t quite done with her yet and went for another round. Upon thinking that a mere crumb almost took her out, worker takes gulp of beverage to wipe out crumb. Finally, the crumb subsided and allowed worker to carry on. In related news, worker considers originating cause of co-workers incessant throat clearing.

Sibling shudders at thought of "gift" video from clueless brother

Sibling has nightmares of potential video that pregnant sister-in-law will more than likely create for birth of baby in months to come. Frightening images of potential video came to her mind after recalling so-called “wedding” video, which was more like 45 minute make out session. Other siblings cringe at thought of two part video that includes conception. People, really! Nobody wants to see that; far less recorded images of it playing over and over.