Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Co-workers fear for employee's crumb dislodging

As volume and frequency of an employee's incessant throat clearing increase, surrounding co-workers wonder and almost fear when crumb from 1975 will eventually emerge. New workers to environment wasn't sure what it was at first. One new worker considered it couldn't be human; it must be an odd office sound effect that emanated in random loud bursts.

Man attempts to disguise bad B.O. with sunglasses

A man in a grocery store was discovered to be confused and wrong in how to disguise bad body odor. Instead of using soap, man chose to attempt hiding body odor behind sunglasses. Unfortunately woman standing next in line recognized bad funk through camouflage and had nothing to shield herself from it. Woman was tempted to inform smelly man with sunglasses where soap aisle was. Then, on second thought, she sensed that the man would probably not recognize what soap was or how to use it.

Customer nearly gets taken out by box as clueless employees carry on

While two clueless employees discuss “what are you doing this weekend?” “I don’t know, what are you doing this weekend?” nearby customer struggles with box and nearly has it fall on top of her. Customer envisions getting flattened by box and clueless employees only reaction would be “did you hear something? … So what are you doing this weekend?”