Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pre-Christmas miracle takes place in office lunch room

Some employees that sit next to the office lunchroom noticed what may just be a pre-Christmas miracle. It occurred during the week leading up to Christmas. The usual smells of burning things or stinky lunches that usually waft through to choke the neighbouring cubicles did not happen on the pre-Christmas week. In fact, the toaster that is often found sitting (and sometimes smoking) underneath the paper towel dispenser did not appear underneath the dispenser for the week.

Employee feels a tinkling of Christmas spirit after bombardment of cutesy Christmas images

During a bombardment of cutesy Christmas images via email, a co-worker found a strange feeling of warmth and happiness had broken through his standard degree of bitterness. The Christmas spirit managed to engage him for a short period of time as co-worker found himself appreciating it and forwarding cutesy email. However, three cutesy Christmas images later, the tired, bored and bitter feelings returned and work went on as usual.

Local woman experiences pre-Christmas miracle at Wal-Mart

During busy Christmas season, local woman went to pick up some grocery items at Wal-Mart. Although she prepared herself mentally for standing in a long line up with potentially screaming children, in the midst of several long line-ups, she came upon a line-up that was not long, nobody was waiting for a price check, nor were there any screaming children in it. The people in the line-up neither jostled nor ran over the woman’s feet with their carts, and most importantly, she did not get pepper sprayed. Local woman came away unscathed. It was … a pre-Christmas miracle!