Thursday, September 6, 2012

Employee considers adding child-sized furniture to small cubicle space

Employee in corporate building considers getting child-sized stool and table to put in small cubicle to make it seem as though cubicle is much bigger than it is. Employee also considers it also might keep people from random drop-ins. Upon second thought, employee realized it might actually invite the unwanted and decided to not add more to already small cubicle space.

Goth girl in full black get up makes animals feel hot

Goth girl goes for full on all over black get-up on trip to zoo on warm day – wearing black long-sleeved shirt, black skirt, black (sweating just saying it) leggings, and of course black boots. Some of the animals must’ve been thinking, “Ugh! You’re making me hot just looking at you. Can’t you at least wear some black shorts or skip the leggings?”

Witnesses at another zoo tempted to tell husband to "run now!"

Pregnant woman snapped her fingers at a lion to make it "do something". Pregnant woman was annoyed that the lion wasn't taking her on and it continued to laze in the sun, safely behind the fence. Witnesses instantly felt bad for baby’s father and were tempted to tell him to “run now!”, but they were probably too late at this point. Pretty sure nobody would blame him if he did.

Person loses shirt at Toronto Zoo.

While walking along path just after forking over cash to get in the zoo, woman notices shirt on trail. The shirt must’ve been lost after seeing the price of beverages at the vending machines. Wha-cha! At least they kept their pants on; or at least there was no sign of pants on the pathway.