Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dog shows higher intelligence than owner

In other news, dog shows more intelligence than owner as they were crossing busy street. The dog was trying to hustle it up as lazy owner dragged his butt across the rest of the street, making drivers slow down as he continued dragging feet to the other side. Pretty sure dog shook his head in shame.

Scooter rider suspected of gas leak at intersection

Person on motor scooter at intersection suspected of letting go gas – not automotive gas – while waiting for light to change. Witness suspects that due to certain odd movements, person on scooter let a couple rip at least twice before the light changed. Perhaps gassy scooter rider needed to clear off before potentially scaring colleagues.

Stand off at intersection potentially turns into awkward subway ride

After one car drove out from side street in front of another car -- cutting them off --, the driver of the car that got cut off decided to cut off the driver of initial car that pulled out in front at intersection as light changed to red. Drivers stared each other down at the intersection for a while until light changed to green. Car that got even pulled off and instigated stare down tore down street, polluting it with black smoke, because as we all know, the best way to get back from a stare down post cut-off is poisoning everyone else around them. As "polluting getting even car" turned off into side street where subway station is, the initial cut off-driver also turned down the same street. Onlooker suspects that there was either a stand off at subway station or a very long and awkward subway ride to follow.