Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Late summer also seems to be dirty old man season

While at a birthday party for father, one of parent's long time friends tries to backpedal from back handed complement to straight out awkward and inappropriate comment about how his daughter looks really good in all the right places. After feeling like needing to be scrubbed down in a radiation booth, woman turns on heels, makes face like she might be sick, and walks away. In other inappropriate old man news, woman has to tell old man in a line up that he's gotten close enough as he kept encroaching on her space despite line not moving. Old dude, you're not getting any further in any shape or form. Old man gave woman some ignorant line about lining up at Canada's Wonderland. Old dude, you were not at Canada's Wonderland, you were not getting any further, and that was not a line to get on a ride.

Friends survive eating at a dodgy fast food hamburger place known for something else

As part of a gala evening, two friends decide to be adventurous by eating at a dodgy hamburger joint. Next day one friend realizes that the name suggested wasn't just made up on the spot, but actually known as Hooker Harvey's. As there didn't seem to be any hookers there that night, it was more like Hangover Harvey's. Either way, the sandwiches they ate were actually pretty good and they didn't get sick. That might explain the somewhat confused look on the employee's faces when the friends actually ordered food; actual legitimate customers. It would be interesting if that location had shirts that read "We actually ate at Hooker Harvey's ... and didn't get sick".

Neighbour of annoyingly noisy, smelly couple decides to take to rubber walls

In an effort to maintain some serenity, neighbour of annoying loud, smelly couple decides to try putting up rubber on her shared wall in an attempt to buffer noise pollution coming into her apartment because she would prefer to hear her own TV over the neighbour's mega TV sound system. It's pretty distracting while watching something like So You Think You Can Dance to have it interrupted by explosions and gun fire. You know it's just not in the show. While it buffered somewhat, not all of the wall was covered in rubber. However it seems, the more rubber on the wall, the more serenity.