Tuesday, December 3, 2013

While writing another note to remember something else local woman rediscovers another note.

Local woman created a note in phone to remember to use it in a blog entry, except that she forgot about making the note. While writing another note to remember something else local woman rediscovered other note. In related news, story of not remembering something reminded work mate she couldn't find desk keys and colleague suggested to use paperclip like she had to to when she also lost desk key before asking for a new one.

Work mate reminds friend of applying emoti-block

After discussing an unpleasant experience with a friend, work mate reminded her to always put on emoti-block everyday instead of occasionally. Emoti-block: just like sun block, but for emotions. Directions: Apply generously, and for external purposes only. It should keep away all the grating urges to slap people and just slide off like water from a duck's behind. Some days may require more applications than others.