Thursday, March 5, 2015

Woman considers using finger puppets when going out alone

After going for a walk and feeling a bit spooked from remembering true horrific crime stories that start off with "she was just going for a run (or walk) like she usually does", and then more spooked after listening to a story about strange men just standing in the bushes along a pathway staring at people going by, local woman considers an unusual way of still going out solo to get some air. The idea of finger puppets as her "peeps" came to her from the whole safety in numbers principle when all she wants to do is go for a walk solo to ward off the creepy people. Woman recognizes that yes, this is some bizarre sh*t and hopes that the oddity of it all would allow her to perhaps slip by them similar to acting like a zombie in a crowd of zombies even if you're not one of them, and then lock the door when you make it home, lean against it, and slump to the floor. Creepy people suck.

Woman realizes the real reason behind not going to less expensive TV experience

After a long discussion with a friend, a local woman realizes the reason she really continues to pay too much for cable TV isn't because she's lazy, but for penance from a past life and kind of likes the suffering. Friend of woman decided she had built up enough penance points that she could switch to a package that requires less penance.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apartment dweller considering nicer place with smaller kitchen versus building with good sized kitchen but filled with creepy men

When leaving apartment door to do a garbage chute drop in apartment hallway, apartment dweller temporarily froze when she found creepy "Bruce Willish" (the name given to "not Bruce Willis but has some uncanny similarities to Bruce Willis, but much creepier" man) in the hallway with three dogs. Creepy Bruce Willish mentioned that the dogs were friendly, but woman with garbage didn't mention that it wasn't the dogs that was concerning her, it was Bruce Willish. Fortunately, the elevator came seconds later, bringing awkward moment to an end and the temporary departure of Bruce Willish and dogs. Woman was able to reconvene in garbage drop off once the elevator doors closed.

In a related story, the same apartment dweller discovered that a former creepy resident had actually not moved out, but that she had successfully managed to avoid him for some time without having to use rock climbing gear to repel down the side of the building. (Apartment dweller reminded of saving funds to move.)

Sarcasm mistaken for sincerity in entertainment committee

When an entertainment committee member proposed an idea for hiring clowns for a group of grown-ups, other committee members were perhaps showing too much enthusiasm in their sarcasm when they responded with "Yeah. Sure. That's a *great* idea. Why not ask them to do balloon shaping while at it?"
Not realizing other committee members were being sarcastic, member checked off "clown and balloon shaping" very enthusiastically on their check list.
Later, when people asked why there was a clown making balloon shapes in the parking lot during a food truck event, remaining committee members did a combination of shoulder shrugging, while others just slipped off without a comment.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Work colleagues slightly bummed they didn't get to use Groucho Marx disguise

Employee in office suspected office space surveyor was actually just making notes of all the things they would rather be doing than checking to see who or how a cubicle space is being used. After 5th time office space surveyor walked around and made notes in tablet, employee thought of ways of messing with office space surveyor when he came around the next hour -- like changing desks with co-worker, occupying an empty desk, or putting on Groucho Marx glasses. After talking to work colleagues, they all realized they were a bit disappointed they didn't get to buy and use Groucho Marx glasses in time for the next round of the office surveyor.
In another part of the office floor, another employee seriously considers buying a Magic Mesh Door and doorbell to make her cubicle more like a home office.

Bored employee considers interrupting meeting

Bored employee, proud of self toenail polish job, wonders if she should inappropriately bust into a meeting to show the people the nail polish job just to see the stunned and confused looks on their faces. Employee decides probably better not and harbors pride secretly instead.

Manager checks on her Dora the Explorer cup

While overhearing coworkers discussing if the other had left a bright pink Dora the Explorer cup in the lunchroom, manager in close proximity listening in quickly goes to check the lunchroom to see if it was her Dora the Explorer cup lost ages ago. Manager was slightly disappointed to discover it was not her lost Dora cup, but briefly considers snatching it anyway.