Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apartment dweller considering nicer place with smaller kitchen versus building with good sized kitchen but filled with creepy men

When leaving apartment door to do a garbage chute drop in apartment hallway, apartment dweller temporarily froze when she found creepy "Bruce Willish" (the name given to "not Bruce Willis but has some uncanny similarities to Bruce Willis, but much creepier" man) in the hallway with three dogs. Creepy Bruce Willish mentioned that the dogs were friendly, but woman with garbage didn't mention that it wasn't the dogs that was concerning her, it was Bruce Willish. Fortunately, the elevator came seconds later, bringing awkward moment to an end and the temporary departure of Bruce Willish and dogs. Woman was able to reconvene in garbage drop off once the elevator doors closed.

In a related story, the same apartment dweller discovered that a former creepy resident had actually not moved out, but that she had successfully managed to avoid him for some time without having to use rock climbing gear to repel down the side of the building. (Apartment dweller reminded of saving funds to move.)

1 comment:

  1. One of the disadvantages of apartment living - much harder to avoid creepy people.
