Sunday, January 31, 2010

Applicant actually interested in job application

While researching new positions, job applicant actually found himself excited and interested in a new job posting. The applicant found himself contemplating what attitude he should demonstrate during potential interview, recalling that in some past interviews where he had real interest in the positions, he expressed too much "Christmas-face" causing him not to get the job. This time, applicant hopes to wow interviewers with just enough bitterness and cynicism to get in the door.

Clueless driver cuts off in-pursuit police car

While coming home from a grocery run, one witness noticed how a clueless driver cut in front of a police cruiser, almost hitting it, while it was in pursuit of another vehicle. The clueless driver was trying to get into a parking lot of a retail outlet when they almost hit the in-pursuit police cruiser. The police cruiser managed to pull over both vehicles, providing various sets of driving infraction fines to two drivers instead of just the one. Go whammy, go whammy, go! Double infraction, yes!

Customer thanks salesperson, but not sure why

During a sales transaction at a popular retail outlet, a customer rolled her eyes while listening to the two co-workers gossiping about someone who worked at a strip club while waiting for the sales associate to finish up the transaction. Even though the salesperson didn't provide any special service or barely acknowledged the customer, the customer thanked the sales associate anyway. As the customer left the store, she realized she had no idea why she thanked the sales associate and why the sales associate didn't thank her instead.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Email notice about usually ignored email goes unnoticed

Employees continued on undisturbed and uncaring about the news that the usually unnoticed weekly announcements would be sent out the following day instead of that day. When random employees were asked how the change affected them, some responded with, "Oh, we get those emails?" Others responded with "Oh yah. I usually see them pop up in my inbox, but I ignore them."

AGO visitor barraged with art questions by employee

While visiting the AGO for the first time since high school, the visitor suddenly found herself getting barraged with art questions by an AGO employee. While debating on if she should answer with something purposely ignorant like saying "pretty pictures" or saying something quasi-intelligent, the visitor made the mistake of responding with a quasi-intelligent response. However, quasi-intelligent response led to a barrage of further art questions. When visitor thought it would never end, she escaped by telling employee she had to find her friends.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pharmaceutical drug poses more problems than it relieves

Pharmaceutical drug advertised in magazine informs in small print that it creates more unpleasant side-effects in order to relieve one problem. Some decide to take the chance that there will be another drug to relieve the side-effects of the side-effects.

Itchy girl sheds skin at employee meeting

During a company's all-employee meeting, an unknown employee felt the urge to shed her skin while the president spoke about promising futures. As the president spoke, itchy girl picked and itched while raising her top half-way up at one point. The employee continued to participate in other strange activities, such as glugging back a bottle of water and stretching back on the chair with arms wide open as the president continued to speak in plain view. Employees who sat behind this unusual character shared looks of disbelief among each other while others remained completely unaware.

'Hell-child' visits Chapters

Customers in Chapters were both in awe and fiercely annoyed at the same time as a child, who some referred to as 'hell-child', ran around Chapters shouting and yelling incoherent blurts of nothingness. His parents were nowhere to be seen. Some suspected they were hiding in the aisles somewhere, avoiding getting a right clout in the back of their heads for letting their kid run rampant through the store annoying everyone. Although the parents might have just thought "oh, how cute!" while everyone else glared and stared at the child who was suspected of wearing a shiny devil costume underneath his beige chinos and mild-mannered top. One witness felt as though her ovaries just curled up and rotted at the noise he made.