Sunday, February 21, 2010

Female customer cringes as old man stands too close in line

While at a check out in a drug store, a female customer cringed in line as an old man stood in her "snog zone". Even though the female customer attempted to create more space for herself, the old man denied the social clue and stepped back into the "snog zone". Before the female customer had a chance to say anything, it was her turn to get served. The old man continued on as clueless as before, not realizing how close he came to being told off.
Defining "snog zone": if you can turn around and the person behind you is close enough to kiss, that person is in your snog zone.

Old dentist not quite grumpy enough to retire

While waiting for a dental cleaning, a patient asked the receptionist if the senior dentist that runs the business was ready to retire yet. The receptionist hinted that the senior dentist had not yet reached maximum grumpiness to announce his retirement yet; his level of grumpiness remained consistent.

Hell-child relative, Hellion, spotted in mall

A relative of Hell-child, Hellion, was spotted in a mall screaming for pop and chips. Witnesses knew it couldn't be Hell-child's parents because the mother dropped everything and left the store with young Hellion to retain some dignity. Fortunately, no internal rotting occurred to nearby witnesses, just a brief ringing in the ears and a sudden urge for some pop and chips.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wal-Mart customer meditates before shopping

At least one Wal-Mart customer acknowledged and accepted the fact that no matter how many check out lanes exist in a Super Wal-Mart, managers will only open less than half the existing check-outs at any given time. The customer found that slow breathing exercises to find an inner calmness aided significantly while standing in long lines at check-outs.

Tabloids over-use of the word "shocking" creates boredom

While standing in line at the check-out of a grocery store, customer finds an over-use of the word "shocking" gets boring and not shocking. The customer found that if tabloids stopped using the word shocking so routinely THAT would be shocking.

Corporation goes with musical offices to determine demotions

In a new and creative effort to figure out a way for managers to keep their jobs, get cut back, or demoted, a corporation has decided to use the principal behind musical chairs: when the music starts managers have to run to the nearest office, if the door of an office is locked when the music stops, that manager is either demoted or laid off -- depending on budgetary means.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Writer discovers ...

With more people developing ADD habits, writer ....

shorter is ...

... makes shorter stories to ...

... better

... keep people's attention.

Non-motivational supervisor inadvertently provides hope

During a conversation among work colleagues wondering how their non-motivational supervisor ever got that position, it inadvertently provided a small glimmer of hope that anyone of them could do that job or do better.

Yoga class turns into intimidation shake-down

While yoga students tried to breathe outward in a downward dog position then transition into an uncomfortable position, the yoga instructor stared down her students with a fierce intimidating stare as she stated, "what? Not uncomfortable enough for you?" When one student muttered under her breath to another student, the instructor responded with "I'm the instructor, nobody else gets to speak."