Monday, January 23, 2012

Pedestrian chooses to talk over attempt to catch bus

Instead of getting off the phone and making proper effort to catch a bus, pedestrian chooses to stay on phone, make half-arse effort run across a busy street, risking getting hit by cars for connecting bus that doesn't know pedestrian is making half-arse run to it. Chances are conversation wasn't as important or stimulating as pedestrian thought it was, and bus driver probably only made half-arse attempt to wait for anyone catching the connecting bus. Pedestrian continued talking while waiting for the next bus.

City resident considers long drive to gather snowballs

City condo resident that lives above pub considers driving out to the country to gather snowballs to put in cooler to take back to the city in order to toss snowballs at after hour pub goers. The one thing that is making the Condo resident seriously considering going for the long drive is the anticipation of seeing the bewildered and befuddled looks on drunken after hour pub goers when they get hit by snowballs, especially if there is no snow on the ground in the city to possibly get hit with.

Facebook members shudder over crazy people in their past

Facebook member realizes making it hard for people to find her on facebook would actually show her who the more stalker-like or crazy people are to find her over the more normal people she knew. It's those stalker-like/crazy people who would find you in the end because they spend all that time ... well ... stalking. And the ones who give up sooner are either less talented at stalking or decide it's too much work to stalk.
In related news, another facebook member got curious and looked up some crazy people he once knew. Upon seeing that they still seemed crazy, he got a bit freaked out at both being part of their lives again and almost as if they had seen him looking at them. He clicked back home, breathed a sigh of relief that they did not actually see him checking out their facebook pages, and they remained blissfully unaware.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Show off driver on slippery road demonstrates what not to do

During the drive in to work on a slippery winter road, driver realizes someone is honking at him to go faster. While driver moves forward, not bothered by car that wants to go faster, honking driver decides to show off his lack of mobility skills by spinning out. Way to show people how not to drive, honking driver; he really taught everyone a valuable lesson ... on what not to do.

Pedestrian challenges sensibility and oncoming traffic

On a dark winter morning, a pedestrian in all black outfit decides to challenge sensibility by not just running onto icy and snowy road, but stopping in lane of oncoming traffic. Fortunately for pedestrian, car that could have run into pedestrian managed to evade her and another car managed to evade the car evading the pedestrian. Even after car swerved to avoid running over pedestrian, driver noticed in mirror that the pedestrian remained standing there. Sensibility note: there's less chance of getting hit by a car if one does NOT run out in front of moving cars only to stop and stand on a busy road.

Houses on cleaning products TV ads only seem to get patches of clean spots

While watching a TV ad for a cleaning product, viewer realizes those houses never really get full cleaned, they only have patches of cleanliness. Viewer would not want to live in, or even visit for that matter, a house where there are only clean patches; they never seem to actually clean the whole area in those houses riddled with dirt, scum, and all kinds of grease stains. It's really not necessary to leave back the dirt, grease and the like to see that the product cleans it up; it either will or it won't do the job.