Monday, January 23, 2012

Facebook members shudder over crazy people in their past

Facebook member realizes making it hard for people to find her on facebook would actually show her who the more stalker-like or crazy people are to find her over the more normal people she knew. It's those stalker-like/crazy people who would find you in the end because they spend all that time ... well ... stalking. And the ones who give up sooner are either less talented at stalking or decide it's too much work to stalk.
In related news, another facebook member got curious and looked up some crazy people he once knew. Upon seeing that they still seemed crazy, he got a bit freaked out at both being part of their lives again and almost as if they had seen him looking at them. He clicked back home, breathed a sigh of relief that they did not actually see him checking out their facebook pages, and they remained blissfully unaware.

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