Thursday, April 19, 2012

Reformed seagull seeking better quality discarded scraps.

On a really windy day, a large chair cushion took flight from an apartment balcony. Nearby seagull in flight was nearly knocked over by the airborne cushion. After seagull squawked out to cushion, seagull did a double take at strange flying object and squawked to itself as is if to say “Whoah! I really need to get off those discarded street drugs and garbage.” Seagull currently undergoing reformation to seek out better quality scraps for lifestyle change.

Woman wanting excuse to be late unintentionally ends up with valid reason

Woman getting ready for work considers different methods of trying to avoid getting into work on time while having a valid excuse of being late. As it turns out, somebody on the highway already thought of that ahead of her as woman gets stuck in traffic anyway due to a fire on the highway.

Workers get closer to figuring out why rank odors coming from lunchroom

After two weeks of some seriously rank odors coming out of the lunchroom in a corporate building, people who have to sit near the lunch room get a possible clue as to what the source may have been. Apparently someone in the lunchroom didn’t actually bother to read the contents of the book “Cooking with Poo” to find that it’s about cooking with crab and not actually microwaving the bio waste. Colleagues can barely dare to think of what kind of bio smells the person must create on a regular basis eating what he/she does.