Thursday, May 17, 2012

Customer at service desk discovers her invisibility shield malfunctioned

While getting served at a check out desk to sign up for cooking classes, other customers seemed to keep moving themselves in front of the woman getting served. Even though the clerk could see the woman she was serving, it seemed that some customers were experiencing some kind of blinded shield in thinking that nobody was in front of the clerk and kept coming in front of the woman while in the midst of the transaction. Apparently the woman’s invisibility button was malfunctioning for those times when she didn’t want to be noticed to times when she needed to be noticed.

Grub master unintentionally prompts woman to be really early for work

Woman in medium-rise apartment building finding that she’s forced to leave for work early due to having similar schedules of departure to that of a man who also lives in the building, who smells like dirt, old cigarettes, and a whiff of sniff, sniff - what is that really? Old Vienna? Colt 45? -- some kind of cheap beer. After trying to leave a few minutes later on a test run to change departure time, woman found that she still ended up sharing the elevator with the grub master. So, after leaving even earlier, woman discovered she was not running into grub master in the elevator and had peaceful morning elevator rides. By not having to share the same elevator also means she won’t be tempted to respond to his out loud comments on his sad life, by responding with something like, “ Hey, try not to smell like dirt, you might get farther. Try showering … with soap even.” In a weird turn of events, the grub master is almost doing woman a favor by smelling like dirt, old cigarettes, and the cheapest beer on the planet because there’s a lesser chance she’ll be late for work by leaving really early to avoid sharing elevator space with him.

Lost driver goes wrong way on corporate driveway; guilty driver pulls over without police prompting

After lost driver enters driveway to a corporate building in the wrong direction, people sitting outside weren’t completely surprised to find out she was lost. Witnesses to the incident discussed that she probably didn't use Google Maps and the fact that she drove up the wrong side of the roadway didn't inspire much hope that she would think to use it or a GPS for that matter. In related driving news, later on the same day, an older man driving a beige sedan must've been feeling guilty about something because when a police cruiser approached closer in the lane beside him, before the cruiser even put the lights on, the man in the sedan stopped the car, got out, and knelt down on the ground with his hands up. Possibility that man in sedan felt guilty for having taught the lost driver how to drive badly.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Local man realizes it's mildly dangerous to make eye contact with others in the city

While at a coffee shop ordering coffee in downtown area, local man who usually enjoys people watching felt he was being stared at. When man looked around, he became victim of receiving death stare. Local man quickly darted eyes away to ward off extended death glare. Meanwhile, in a rural area engineers going door to door to introduce themselves are allowed into strangers homes, even though the people have NO IDEA who they are. Woman who lives at edge of suburbia finds it so weird that someone would actually a) not only answer their door not knowing who's there, but b) to actually let them in too. That's just crazy talk.

Song about payphone prompts memory about an unfortunate payphone moment

New song by Maroon 5 about someone at a payphone prompts memory of two girls overhearing a man screaming at a woman on the other end of the phone, calling her all sorts of 'loving' nicknames like bitch and other loving names after she locked him out of the house. After calling her 'adoring' names and threatening her didn't work, he then resorted to yelling that he loved her. The two girls didn't really believe him. From what the guy was yelling, it sounded like the woman on the other end didn't quite believe him either. Come to think of it, most moments involving payphones don't usually have good outcomes.

Local woman accidentally finds where hookers shop

While trying out a new store to find a dress, local woman turned a corner and suddenly found the section where local hookers may be finding their garb. Local woman turned back around and kept going.