Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lost driver goes wrong way on corporate driveway; guilty driver pulls over without police prompting

After lost driver enters driveway to a corporate building in the wrong direction, people sitting outside weren’t completely surprised to find out she was lost. Witnesses to the incident discussed that she probably didn't use Google Maps and the fact that she drove up the wrong side of the roadway didn't inspire much hope that she would think to use it or a GPS for that matter. In related driving news, later on the same day, an older man driving a beige sedan must've been feeling guilty about something because when a police cruiser approached closer in the lane beside him, before the cruiser even put the lights on, the man in the sedan stopped the car, got out, and knelt down on the ground with his hands up. Possibility that man in sedan felt guilty for having taught the lost driver how to drive badly.

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