Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Smelly creepy guy adds new level of creepiness; woman considers buying mountain climbing equipment

After months of avoiding creepy guy who stinks of yesterday, cigarettes and a variety of stale booze, woman had to share elevator with him. While standing in the hallway before getting into the already small (getting much smaller) elevator, woman noticed something more odd and creepier about smelly creepy guy than from previous run-ins. Accompanying the usual funk wafting off creepy guy, he was sporting a wig that had similar hair characteristics as woman who tried to avoid him – thick dark, long, and curly -- as compared to his usual thin, dry, and scraggy hair. Woman mouthed out “oh crap” and shot her focus to the floor as he got on the elevator. The woman was relieved that a non-creepy person was in the elevator. Woman left building considering the prospect of buying mountain equipment to possibly start repelling down side of building, and maybe get over fear of heights.

Employee decides to see less motivational sources to keep happy at work

After watching some motivational sources online, employee in a corporate environment starts to question is it okay to want something more like efficient and sensible management? In a more realistic ploy, employee considers seeking out more apathetic and less motivational sources in an effort to lower her standards so as to not want things to run all that efficiently and/or smoothly. Apparently the lesson from management is wanting things to run efficiently and smoothly is an almost laughable thing to actually expect. If things do start to appear as they are about to run efficiently, there will be a meeting among managers to discuss and quash the efficiency quickly.

Loud office whisperer couldn't hear soft whisper

While sitting at work desk, employee hears someone on the other side of the cubicle wall whispering something in a somewhat conspiratorial tone. Despite, the attempt of bad whispering, whisperer may as well have been speaking normally, because employee on other side of wall could still hear her. Employee sitting at desk whispered over to the whisperer “I can hear you”. However, the loud whisperer on the other side of the wall couldn’t hear the whisper that was whispered in a whisper voice and kept on whispering loudly. One theory for the loud whisperer's bad whispering may be that she is hard of hearing and thought that her loud whispering was a quiet whisper.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Woman in apartment building laundry room speed folds clothes

Woman in laundry room of apartment building suddenly found the urge to do some speed folding as man reeking of creepy heebie-jeebies entered laundry room. Woman immediately regretted nodding to acknowledge his presence and thought “Doh!”. Nod was meant as a “I see you. Don’t try anything stupid.” Meanwhile, creepy heebie-jeebies guy seemed to take it as a sign to start conversation. Woman threw rest of clothes from dryer into basket risking wrinkly clothes, ignored what man said, and despite wanting to run full charge from the room, coolly yet hurriedly exited laundry room.

Employee catches herself from drooling at work

After staring at computer screen for long period of time, employee suddenly realized she was about to drool at her desk. Employee quickly snapped out of it and managed to evade embarrassing drool moment at desk.

Woman gets pushed by woman suspected to be older version of Vicky Pollard

Woman suspected older version of Vicky Pollard pushed past her in line-up at WalMart. Woman who got pushed then recalled that she doesn’t see a girl that looked and dressed just like Vicky Pollard walking in the mornings anymore; woman suspected perhaps rude woman in line-up was relative of younger version.