Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Voice and sound effects for new product reminds employees of creepy horror movie

Employees sitting next to lunch room relieved that the voice used for a new product lunch ad was not that of a screeching banshee, making the ad a lot more manageable to deal with as it plays over and over every few minutes. Yet, promo for new product freaks out employees by it sounding like the kind of ghostly whisper shouting warning voice usually heard in horror movies. Employee who sits next to lunch room expecting promo voice over to whisper shout “get out” at any given moment. As with horror movies, employee has decided to drown out and ignore creepy voice by popping on headphones to make it "go away". Other employees have nearly had accidents when the promo voice comes on, which is introduced by a creepy static sound, also usually found in spooky movies.

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