Monday, January 13, 2014

Assemby furniture used as form of exercise

After realizing that she wasn't going to make it to her exercise class in the morning, local woman does some deep breathing exercises before heading out to a store to purchase a piece of furniture that will involve assembly. Many exercises were involved in the purchase and assembly of small bookshelf unit, involving - taking stairs,
- walking around two levels of the store,
- lifting item onto buggy
- pushing buggy once picking up parcel from aisle and bin number,
- overheating in line,
and then experiencing different exercises once putting the furniture together, such as:
- laying out parts
- picking up the Allen key every bloody time it dropped from hands (a lot)
- screwing and unscrewing bolts when the last two holes refused to line up despite everything else looking straight
- exercising mouth muscles as profanity flew freely,
and finally putting finished piece of furniture in it's place.
Any potential guilt woman initially felt for missing exercise class was quickly wiped clear by furniture assembly, and if anything, probably burned more calories in doing so.

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