Thursday, November 24, 2011

Local woman uncertain if neighbour's son has moved back in with his mother

Local woman suspects that her neighbour’s son moved back in with his mother. However, when asked if the son was spotted yet, local woman wasn’t sure if he had actually moved in or not. Sightings of the son are so rare that he may be placed on the endangered species list. Unlike helpful human sons, this one has been spotted drunken in the valley behind local woman’s house asking her not to tell his mom about the sighting. It’s also tricky to spot the son in the winter as he doesn’t partake in shoveling or any other useful practices. Local woman may never know for sure if neighbour’s son has actually moved back in.

Worker hides toaster for safety purposes

In order to prevent potential fire from occurring in office lunch room, worker hid the toaster from 1975. The action was not so much to protect the moronic people who can’t seem to understand that putting a toaster from 1975 (which tends to burn bread more than merely toast) underneath a paper towel dispenser is NOT the brightest of ideas, but instead to protect the other people around them who would then have to deal with the potential fire when the paper towels become a burning ball of fire and spreading. Apparently the smell of things burning in the office really annoys co-workers.

Bus driver pushes his luck for getting plowed over in buffet restaurant parking lot

When asked to move his school bus in the parking lot of a buffet restaurant, bus driver for senior’s center decided instead of actually helping by moving bus forward and out of the way, he would provide “assistance” to compact car driver. Bus driver’s version of helping included standing in the way behind car trying to back out despite warnings of moving out of the way, calling out bad directions, and generally NOT MOVING SCHOOL BUS. Fortunately for senior center's bus driver, driver of compact car evaded plowing over him and managed to get car out of tight spot incident free. Passengers in car suggested if someone could get out of that spot incident free, they deserve to get licence on the spot without further driver skill testing.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Woman tempted to ask insurance company: WTF?

Woman thinks of Sak Noel's song What the f*ck? when opening and seeing her insurance company's price hike for the next term. She wanted to call them up and ask them: ¿es usted gente muy loca? What the f*ck?! She searched all day, all night .... Fortunately she found a better offer and signed up with another insurance company.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Email about lack of elevator service goes out to all who already knew it

Corporate email about obvious lack of elevator service was sent out to all in corporate building, who would have already observed/experienced that there was a problem with the elevators in getting to their desks to get email about lack of elevator service. Some corporate employees were not sure to be thankful or not for receiving information about something they already experienced; some others continued to ignore corporate email and didn’t realize they received information about something they already knew.

A man and woman in a corporate building lift have quiet competition for self importance

A man and woman in a corporate building lift have quiet competition as to who was more self important. As the lift doors opened, the woman pushed her way passed others, because she had to get in first to make the claim she is *that* important. The man, on the other hand, carried a big bag -- that could knock others on their arse at the slightest swing – and claimed his ground really close to the elevator doors inside so nobody could get in or out without having to squeeze around him. It was a tight and quiet competition; the lift filled with tension to see who would get off first in order to claim the momentary prize of higher self importance. The man with the big bag won this round as his floor came first. The woman would have to settle for second this round. Others in the lift were relieved when the competition round came to an end.

Social media viewer disturbed at another's injury profile picture -- seeks cute fuzzy online videos

After seeing image of gross injury on social media profile picture, viewer checking account thinks: unless one has turned into zombie, one should really NOT identify self as an injury ... Viewer felt need to search youtube for pointless but cute animal clips to clear mind of disturbing picture.