Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A man and woman in a corporate building lift have quiet competition for self importance

A man and woman in a corporate building lift have quiet competition as to who was more self important. As the lift doors opened, the woman pushed her way passed others, because she had to get in first to make the claim she is *that* important. The man, on the other hand, carried a big bag -- that could knock others on their arse at the slightest swing – and claimed his ground really close to the elevator doors inside so nobody could get in or out without having to squeeze around him. It was a tight and quiet competition; the lift filled with tension to see who would get off first in order to claim the momentary prize of higher self importance. The man with the big bag won this round as his floor came first. The woman would have to settle for second this round. Others in the lift were relieved when the competition round came to an end.

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