Tuesday, December 3, 2013

While writing another note to remember something else local woman rediscovers another note.

Local woman created a note in phone to remember to use it in a blog entry, except that she forgot about making the note. While writing another note to remember something else local woman rediscovered other note. In related news, story of not remembering something reminded work mate she couldn't find desk keys and colleague suggested to use paperclip like she had to to when she also lost desk key before asking for a new one.

Work mate reminds friend of applying emoti-block

After discussing an unpleasant experience with a friend, work mate reminded her to always put on emoti-block everyday instead of occasionally. Emoti-block: just like sun block, but for emotions. Directions: Apply generously, and for external purposes only. It should keep away all the grating urges to slap people and just slide off like water from a duck's behind. Some days may require more applications than others.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Voice and sound effects for new product reminds employees of creepy horror movie

Employees sitting next to lunch room relieved that the voice used for a new product lunch ad was not that of a screeching banshee, making the ad a lot more manageable to deal with as it plays over and over every few minutes. Yet, promo for new product freaks out employees by it sounding like the kind of ghostly whisper shouting warning voice usually heard in horror movies. Employee who sits next to lunch room expecting promo voice over to whisper shout “get out” at any given moment. As with horror movies, employee has decided to drown out and ignore creepy voice by popping on headphones to make it "go away". Other employees have nearly had accidents when the promo voice comes on, which is introduced by a creepy static sound, also usually found in spooky movies.

Employee gets degraded from colleague status to stalking status

After calling and leaving several messages on a colleague’s voice-mail and email, walking by and peering in window, stalking employee reverted to calling the employee who sits across from stalked colleague’s office to find out if she was in her office. Employee taking call from stalker was very tempted to respond by staying that stalked colleague is actually hiding behind the door only to see if stalker employee would go check stalked colleague’s office window again and/or say that she did notice woman in office looked at the phone a few times when it rang and blatantly didn't answer before taking her hiding position. Stalker continues to peer through window and stand in front of it for minutes at a time before moving on to attempt work.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Late summer also seems to be dirty old man season

While at a birthday party for father, one of parent's long time friends tries to backpedal from back handed complement to straight out awkward and inappropriate comment about how his daughter looks really good in all the right places. After feeling like needing to be scrubbed down in a radiation booth, woman turns on heels, makes face like she might be sick, and walks away. In other inappropriate old man news, woman has to tell old man in a line up that he's gotten close enough as he kept encroaching on her space despite line not moving. Old dude, you're not getting any further in any shape or form. Old man gave woman some ignorant line about lining up at Canada's Wonderland. Old dude, you were not at Canada's Wonderland, you were not getting any further, and that was not a line to get on a ride.

Friends survive eating at a dodgy fast food hamburger place known for something else

As part of a gala evening, two friends decide to be adventurous by eating at a dodgy hamburger joint. Next day one friend realizes that the name suggested wasn't just made up on the spot, but actually known as Hooker Harvey's. As there didn't seem to be any hookers there that night, it was more like Hangover Harvey's. Either way, the sandwiches they ate were actually pretty good and they didn't get sick. That might explain the somewhat confused look on the employee's faces when the friends actually ordered food; actual legitimate customers. It would be interesting if that location had shirts that read "We actually ate at Hooker Harvey's ... and didn't get sick".

Neighbour of annoyingly noisy, smelly couple decides to take to rubber walls

In an effort to maintain some serenity, neighbour of annoying loud, smelly couple decides to try putting up rubber on her shared wall in an attempt to buffer noise pollution coming into her apartment because she would prefer to hear her own TV over the neighbour's mega TV sound system. It's pretty distracting while watching something like So You Think You Can Dance to have it interrupted by explosions and gun fire. You know it's just not in the show. While it buffered somewhat, not all of the wall was covered in rubber. However it seems, the more rubber on the wall, the more serenity.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dog shows higher intelligence than owner

In other news, dog shows more intelligence than owner as they were crossing busy street. The dog was trying to hustle it up as lazy owner dragged his butt across the rest of the street, making drivers slow down as he continued dragging feet to the other side. Pretty sure dog shook his head in shame.

Scooter rider suspected of gas leak at intersection

Person on motor scooter at intersection suspected of letting go gas – not automotive gas – while waiting for light to change. Witness suspects that due to certain odd movements, person on scooter let a couple rip at least twice before the light changed. Perhaps gassy scooter rider needed to clear off before potentially scaring colleagues.

Stand off at intersection potentially turns into awkward subway ride

After one car drove out from side street in front of another car -- cutting them off --, the driver of the car that got cut off decided to cut off the driver of initial car that pulled out in front at intersection as light changed to red. Drivers stared each other down at the intersection for a while until light changed to green. Car that got even pulled off and instigated stare down tore down street, polluting it with black smoke, because as we all know, the best way to get back from a stare down post cut-off is poisoning everyone else around them. As "polluting getting even car" turned off into side street where subway station is, the initial cut off-driver also turned down the same street. Onlooker suspects that there was either a stand off at subway station or a very long and awkward subway ride to follow.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Smelly creepy guy adds new level of creepiness; woman considers buying mountain climbing equipment

After months of avoiding creepy guy who stinks of yesterday, cigarettes and a variety of stale booze, woman had to share elevator with him. While standing in the hallway before getting into the already small (getting much smaller) elevator, woman noticed something more odd and creepier about smelly creepy guy than from previous run-ins. Accompanying the usual funk wafting off creepy guy, he was sporting a wig that had similar hair characteristics as woman who tried to avoid him – thick dark, long, and curly -- as compared to his usual thin, dry, and scraggy hair. Woman mouthed out “oh crap” and shot her focus to the floor as he got on the elevator. The woman was relieved that a non-creepy person was in the elevator. Woman left building considering the prospect of buying mountain equipment to possibly start repelling down side of building, and maybe get over fear of heights.

Employee decides to see less motivational sources to keep happy at work

After watching some motivational sources online, employee in a corporate environment starts to question is it okay to want something more like efficient and sensible management? In a more realistic ploy, employee considers seeking out more apathetic and less motivational sources in an effort to lower her standards so as to not want things to run all that efficiently and/or smoothly. Apparently the lesson from management is wanting things to run efficiently and smoothly is an almost laughable thing to actually expect. If things do start to appear as they are about to run efficiently, there will be a meeting among managers to discuss and quash the efficiency quickly.

Loud office whisperer couldn't hear soft whisper

While sitting at work desk, employee hears someone on the other side of the cubicle wall whispering something in a somewhat conspiratorial tone. Despite, the attempt of bad whispering, whisperer may as well have been speaking normally, because employee on other side of wall could still hear her. Employee sitting at desk whispered over to the whisperer “I can hear you”. However, the loud whisperer on the other side of the wall couldn’t hear the whisper that was whispered in a whisper voice and kept on whispering loudly. One theory for the loud whisperer's bad whispering may be that she is hard of hearing and thought that her loud whispering was a quiet whisper.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Woman in apartment building laundry room speed folds clothes

Woman in laundry room of apartment building suddenly found the urge to do some speed folding as man reeking of creepy heebie-jeebies entered laundry room. Woman immediately regretted nodding to acknowledge his presence and thought “Doh!”. Nod was meant as a “I see you. Don’t try anything stupid.” Meanwhile, creepy heebie-jeebies guy seemed to take it as a sign to start conversation. Woman threw rest of clothes from dryer into basket risking wrinkly clothes, ignored what man said, and despite wanting to run full charge from the room, coolly yet hurriedly exited laundry room.

Employee catches herself from drooling at work

After staring at computer screen for long period of time, employee suddenly realized she was about to drool at her desk. Employee quickly snapped out of it and managed to evade embarrassing drool moment at desk.

Woman gets pushed by woman suspected to be older version of Vicky Pollard

Woman suspected older version of Vicky Pollard pushed past her in line-up at WalMart. Woman who got pushed then recalled that she doesn’t see a girl that looked and dressed just like Vicky Pollard walking in the mornings anymore; woman suspected perhaps rude woman in line-up was relative of younger version.