Thursday, October 20, 2011

York (UK) visitors discover real reason to stay off grassy bank

Visitors to a York (UK) historical site discover that the itty bitty signs to stay off the grass bank, which they only noticed after they got off the bank (and nearly broke their necks doing it) is more for their own health reasons than for the sake of keeping the grassy bank nice and tidy. If it wasn’t for fact that a woman called up at visitors to get off grassy bank, they may not have found the tiny signs to stay off the bank or tiny sign whispering direction of stairs (right near stairs). One visitor thought she might get to see the inside of a British hospital (A&E section) the hard way when friend went sliding down bank and then nearly lost her own footing. Third friend used his super cat-like reflexes to avoid any slippage. Fortunately the hospital visit remained off the tour.

Traveler dared to use finger puppets on plane

Traveler was dared to speak to person that would be sitting next to her through a 7hr flight across the ocean with knight and lady finger puppets. Part of dare included asking the unfortunate person to say “almond”, then make them repeat it very slowly, enunciating the normally silent ‘l’ to say “all-mund”. Fortunately, traveler decided she would rather not make the plane land earlier or get on the no-fly list for future flights. Instead, traveler kept finger puppets to make dull work meetings more entertaining.

Group of coworkers band together for petition to isolate or force early retirement on throat clearing co-worker

After major eruptions that helpless coworkers had to bear through the previous week, group of coworkers band together for petition to isolate or force early retirement on throat clearing clueless coworker who refuses diplomatic requests to knock it off already. Apparently that crumb from 1965 is STILL working its way up through the passive aggressive tubes. It was nearly up and out a week ago, but sadly it only shifted to a new place for more rounds of incessant throat clearing eruptions. Neighbouring coworkers almost passed out at their desks from wanting to bang their heads on desks. Other coworkers lost some hair while trying to hang onto their sanity as best they could without creating their own eruption.

Throat eruption occurs, but post eruptions still expected

Throat clearing eruptions were at an all time high in an office. Work colleagues unfortunately had nowhere to take shelter and were forced to look at each other helplessly as the eruptions came non-stop. Finally, at the end of the week, it seemed to come to a climax.

It appears that some eruptions occur on volcanic islands as seen in this video link. However, some happen to your work colleagues. In the case of work colleagues, the pressure does not come from the ocean floor, but deeply repressed passive aggressiveness that erupt from pent up displaced anger.

Eruptions of work colleague throat clearing is a spectacular experience, but best witnessed from a good distance. Throaty sounds erupt from the central vent. Like volcanoes, it may take years to have a spectacular eruption. Following the major eruption, the colleague may experience smaller rumblings. The smaller eruptions can still go on for days on end and may seem almost as intense as the major eruption at times.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nosy neighbour's neighbour considers changing phone number, then reconsiders

Nosy neighbour’s neighbour across the street tempted to change phone number so nosy neighbour wouldn’t call to tell her that her husband is on the roof, or get questioned about the company that they had over, or to ask if her daughter is seeing someone new. Nosy neighbour’s neighbour decided to keep same phone number because she realized that the nosy neighbour would only come and knock on neighbour’s door to tell her that her phone number isn’t working anymore.

A crowd of Zumba ladies kick out a class of little karate kids from room; politicians and uncoordinated coordinator to blame for incident

Politicians having a debate in community centre room started domino effect for karate kids getting boot from their usual room. Uncoordinated coordinator failed to inform Zumba instructor and students ahead of time that room was in use for political debate. Zumba instructor took sound system from debate room leaving politicians without microphone system before heading up to room to kick class of karate kids out of their usual room. It didn’t seem to matter that the politicians didn’t have a microphone system after all; politicians kept talking long after Zumba and karate classes were over. ... and after audience in debate room left.

Another driver seeks honk translator

Another driver found he could have used horn translator during storm. On a dark street with pouring rain, man ahead in Camry kept wandering out of his lane. In an attempt to get Camry driver to stop swerving, driver behind honked resulting in finger flipping from cyclist who assumed he was honked at by driver. Apparently the cyclist would have preferred to get hit by Camry that was edging closer to him. Obviously neither Camry driver nor cyclist were up on their honking translation skills. Driver would have risked the potential annoying "did you mean ....?" fault in honk translator design.

Live, messy demonstration more action-packed than clean, online demonstration

While watching with a bit of internal horror at someone licking the gunk off a bottle's lip and then recapping it, woman recalls viewing how very different (very, very different) an online food demonstration appeared compared with unintentional food demonstration person at work. The online food demonstration didn’t have any food flicking, water splattering, or finger and bottle licking involved like the one she witnessed live in front of her. Despite the feeling of her stomach turning and involuntary need to make stink face, the live demonstration somehow made the online demonstrator almost boring in comparison ... at least briefly.