Thursday, October 20, 2011

York (UK) visitors discover real reason to stay off grassy bank

Visitors to a York (UK) historical site discover that the itty bitty signs to stay off the grass bank, which they only noticed after they got off the bank (and nearly broke their necks doing it) is more for their own health reasons than for the sake of keeping the grassy bank nice and tidy. If it wasn’t for fact that a woman called up at visitors to get off grassy bank, they may not have found the tiny signs to stay off the bank or tiny sign whispering direction of stairs (right near stairs). One visitor thought she might get to see the inside of a British hospital (A&E section) the hard way when friend went sliding down bank and then nearly lost her own footing. Third friend used his super cat-like reflexes to avoid any slippage. Fortunately the hospital visit remained off the tour.

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