Thursday, October 20, 2011

Throat eruption occurs, but post eruptions still expected

Throat clearing eruptions were at an all time high in an office. Work colleagues unfortunately had nowhere to take shelter and were forced to look at each other helplessly as the eruptions came non-stop. Finally, at the end of the week, it seemed to come to a climax.

It appears that some eruptions occur on volcanic islands as seen in this video link. However, some happen to your work colleagues. In the case of work colleagues, the pressure does not come from the ocean floor, but deeply repressed passive aggressiveness that erupt from pent up displaced anger.

Eruptions of work colleague throat clearing is a spectacular experience, but best witnessed from a good distance. Throaty sounds erupt from the central vent. Like volcanoes, it may take years to have a spectacular eruption. Following the major eruption, the colleague may experience smaller rumblings. The smaller eruptions can still go on for days on end and may seem almost as intense as the major eruption at times.

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